Goodrich Sales, Inc. Series 1219 Tubing - Goodrich Sales, Inc.
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Series 1219 Tubing Print E-mail

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Synflex 1219 flame retardant tubing

Developed specifically for controlling flame spread and smoke generation, Synflex 1219 FR (flame retardant) Tubing can be installed in accordance with NFPA, Standard 90A "Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems 1985."


Synflex 1219 FR Tubing is made of an exclusive "linear" low-density polyethy­lene based formulation that is UL recog­nized. It combines the physical character­istics and long-term stability of low-density polyethylene with flame retardant proper­ties. Look for UL Classification marking on product.



Synflex 1219 FR Tubing prevents fire propagation, as it rapidly extinguishes after being removed from an open flame. "FR" Tubing is very similar to Synflex "P" Tubing for flexibility, lightweight, abrasion resistance, high tensile strength and rugged environmental performance. To guarantee stress crack resistance, both the standard ASTM D 1693 test for stress cracking of base materials and a modified test on finished tubing are performed.


Easy to Install

Installation is simple and quick. Being flexible and lightweight, Synflex 1219 FR Tubing can be installed by hand.


How to Specify

Example: 1219-440B3 Synflex 1219 FR tubing with red stripe, 1/4" O.D. x .040" wall, 250 ft. lengths.



Four standard sizes in coils, black or seven standard color stripes and shipped in convenient master pack quantities. 5/32" O.D. tubing supplied in black only.


Standard Lengths

5/32"- 500-foot lengths

1/4"  - 250-, 500-, and 1,000-foot lengths

3/8"  - 250- and 500-foot lengths

1/2"  - 250-foot lengths



Authorities having jurisdiction should be consulted before installation.